Directory of U.S. Military Rockets and Missiles
Appendix 3: Space Vehicles
Copyright © 2003 Jos Heyman
(HTML formatting by Andreas Parsch)

Lockheed Martin Athena

The Athena launcher (initially known as Lockheed Martin Launch Vehicle) is a light launcher being offered in three versions. The Athena 1 version consisted of three stages and was capable of placing 794 kg into a low-Earth orbit. The vehicle had a length of 19.81 m.

Photo: Lockheed Martin
Athena 1

Stage Length Diameter Engine Fuel Thrust
18.81 m2.36 m1 Thiokol Castor 120solid 1,553,225 N
23.15 m2.34 m1 UTC Orbis 21Dsolid 183,015 N
31.01 m2.34 m4 Primex MR-107hydrazine 890 N

Specifications for Athena 1

The four stage Athena 2 version, which had a length of 30.48 m, had an additional stage powered by a Castor 120 inserted between the first and second stage of the Athena 1. The Athena 2 is capable of placing a 1896 kg payload into a low-Earth orbit.

Photo: Lockheed Martin
Athena 2

Stage Length Diameter Engine Fuel Thrust
18.81 m2.36 m1 Thiokol Castor 120solid 1,553,225 N
28.81 m2.36 m1 Thiokol Castor 120solid 1,553,225 N
33.15 m2.34 m1 UTC Orbis 21Dsolid 183,015 N
41.01 m2.34 m4 Primex MR-107hydrazine 890 N

Specifications for Athena 2

A final version, Athena 3 would receive two to six Castor 4 strap-on boosters, providing it with a 5000 kg launch capability. The first flight of an Athena was on 15 August 1995 and as at 31 December 2002 seven launches took place of which two failed.

Back to Directory of U.S. Military Rockets and Missiles, Appendix 3

Last Updated: 8 July 2003