Designations Of U.S. Air Force Projects
Copyright © 2000-2023 Andreas Parsch
(MX Section Copyright © 2004-2005 George Cully & Andreas Parsch)
2 Weapons Systems (1950's to 1960's) & Related Codes
4 Sources
1 "MX" Projects, 1941 to 1954
In early 1941, the Experimental Engineering Section of the US Army Air Corps' Materiel Division (soon reorganized as a part of the new USAAF's Air Materiel Command, or AMC) began to assign "MX" designators (for "Materiel, Experimental") to many of its research and development (R&D) projects. Issued by AMC's security apparatus at Wright Field, these numbers provided a non-descript means of identifying new R&D programs in engineering orders, correspondence, and procurement contracts. At first MX designations were largely limited to aircraft, engines, major components and ordnance, but as the war effort broadened they soon reflected a continually expanding range of military aviation R&D topics, and that trend accelerated even more in the immediate post-war period. In fact, twice as many MX numbers were issued between 1946 and 1950 as had been issued during WWII. Not all MX numbers resulted in hardware, of course: MX designations were generally assigned very early in a project's evolution, and thus many MX numbers were subsequently cancelled or closed out without producing anything more than a research report.
The Engineering Division found the "MX system" to be a very useful security device, and it was eventually copied by several other AMC divisions, so that by 1950 there were multiple project designation systems (including MP-x, RR-x, and FT-x) operating in parallel within the Command. The resulting confusion undermined the systems' value, and the growing acceptance of the weapons system concept contributed to their replacement with other security designation arrangements. It is not certain from the available records just how many MX numbers were ultimately issued. In an R&D summary published in January 1952, AMC announced its intent to abandon the MX system as of 1 July 1952, but a cancellation directive has yet to be found, and there is circumstantial evidence showing that MX numbers continued to be used for several years thereafter. The highest number identified thus far is MX-2276; it appears to have been assigned in 1954.
Designation List
The MX tables were generated from a list of MX project designators compiled from declassified USAF records by George Cully. Many thanks go to George for this great contribution to the Designation-Systems.Net site.
Note: Subprojects of MX projects were often designated with suffix letters. Original sources show these sometimes with a dash (e.g. "MX-775-A") and sometimes without (e.g. "MX-775A"). For the sake of consistency, all subproject designators in the tables are written with the dash.
MX-1 to MX-499
MX-500 to MX-999
MX-1000 to MX-1499
MX-1500 to MX-1999
MX-2000 to MX-2276
2 Weapons Systems (1950's to 1960's) & Related Codes
WS/SS/OS/RS Designators
At some time in the early 1950's, the Air Force started to assign numerical designations to complete weapons systems, support systems and general categories of activity (like research studies). The designations initially looked like:
Examples: | WS | - | 201 | A |
WS | - | 306 | B | |
SS | - | 420 | L | |
(1) | (2) | (3) |
Note: The dash between the designator and the number is often omitted.
(1) is one of the following designators:
- WS - Weapons System
- SS - Support System
- OS - Operational Support
- RS - Research Support
(2) is the three-digit system number. There were blocks of numbers assigned to different general system categories as follows:
- 100 - 199: Strategic Systems
- 200 - 299: Air-Defense Systems
- 300 - 399: Tactical Systems
- 400 - 499: Support Systems
- 500 - 599: Operational Support
- 600 - 699: Research/Experimental Support
Within each block, the initial numbers were probably assigned sequentially. Later, however, the numbers were apparently arbitrarily assigned. The n99 numbers seem to have been used for general studies. Numbers, which had become obsolete, were often reassigned to new systems. Systems in the 100, 200 and 300 blocks originally received "WS" designators, while systems in the 400, 500 and 600 blocks were designated "SS", "OS" and "RS", respectively. However, the prefixes were not always consistently used, and often completely omitted (see "Omission of Prefix" below).
The suffix letter (3) was usually an "A" for weapons systems and an "L" for support systems (including reconnaissance). If the same system number was assigned to different actual projects or activities, subsequent letters would be used (e.g., "B", "C", ..., or "M", "N", ..., respectively). The use of suffixes was not entirely consistent:
- Different weapons systems for the same requirement were sometimes managed under the same designator with an additional numerical suffix (e.g. WS-107A-1/WS-107A-2), and were sometimes assigned the same number with different suffix letters (e.g. WS-306A/WS-306B).
- Different suffix letters were also used, when a weapons system was further developed (e.g. WS-201A/WS-201B).
Omission of Prefix
Beginning in the 1960's, the WS/SS/OS/RS prefix was frequently omitted when referring to a system. This was especially evident for systems in the 400 and 600 blocks (e.g. the "Dyna-Soar" project was referred to as "System 464L" only). Also, the WS designator was sometimes used, even if another designator was initially applicable (e.g. 606A is usually referred to as "WS-606A" instead of "RS-606A"). In rare cases, a prefix was used in a non-standard way, like RS for "Reconnaissance System" or TS for "Test System".
In the designation list, I show a prefix only for those designators, which I have actually seen with a prefix.
System Management Codes
The system numbers are still is use today, but are - as far as I know - now called "System Management Codes" (SMC). Weapons/support systems, which received a number in the original designation system retained this number as their SMC (e.g. the B-52 was originally Weapon System WS-101A, and today uses SMCs in the 101 series, e.g. 101H, 101P etc.). Other weapons use newly assigned numbers, including numbers, which had been originally assigned to a different system, which is now out of service. These numbers are sometimes related to other designations of the weapon (e.g. the LGM-118A Peacekeeper ICBM has SMCs in the 118 series).
The suffix letters in SMCs are not assigned sequentially. Instead, some letters are mostly used for a specific
purpose. Examples are
- "E": Usually designates the engine of an airborne weapon system
- "Z": Used to designate all versions of a weapon system (as opposed to a specific version)
The designation list contains also the System Management Codes. Because the transition from "WS/SS/RS" designators without prefix to SMCs was probably gradual, there are many numbers, for which I can't say if they're "true" System designators or should be regarded as an SMC only. Designators, which I have found only in an SMC listing, are marked with (SMC).
Designation List
Note: Gaps are marked ("No information") only for those numbers, which I believe should exist because of the assumed sequential assigment of the original WS/SS/RS designators.
Designation | Contractor | Description |
WS-100A | Boeing | B-47 Stratojet |
WS-100L | Boeing | RB-47 Stratojet |
WS-101A | Boeing | B-52 Stratofortress |
WS-101L | Boeing | RB-52 Stratofortress |
101D (SMC) | Boeing | B-52D |
101H (SMC) | Boeing | B-52H |
101P (SMC) | Pratt & Whitney | TF33-P-3/103 engine for B-52 |
101Z (SMC) | Boeing | B-52G/H |
WS-102A | Convair | B-58 Hustler |
WS-102L | Convair | RB-58 Hustler |
WS-103A | Northrop | SM-62 Snark |
WS-103L | Northrop | RSM-62 Snark |
WS-104A | North American | SM-64 Navaho |
WS-105A | McDonnell | F-101A/C Voodoo |
WS-105L | McDonnell | RF-101A/C Voodoo |
(106) | (No information) | |
WS-107A-1 | Convair | SM-65 (CGM/HGM-16) Atlas |
WS-107A-2 | Martin | SM-68 (HGM/LGM-25) Titan |
(108...109) | (No information) | |
WS-110A | North American | B-70 Valkyrie |
(111) | (No information) | |
WS-112A | Bell | GAM-63 Rascal |
(113...114) | (No information) | |
WS-115A | - | Possibly the initial designation of WS-315A |
(116) | (No information) | |
WS-117L | Lockheed | Reconnaissance Satellite System |
WS-117M | - | SAMOS (Satellite Missile Observation System); became WS-210A |
WS-117W | - | Orbital Meteorological System |
118L | - | KA-27 Camera |
118P | Bell | Hypersonic Reconnaissance Manned Boost-Glide Rocket |
118A (SMC) | Martin Marietta | LGM-118 Peacekeeper |
WS-119L | - | Strategic Photo-Reconnaissance Balloon System; result of MX-1594 "Gopher" program |
WS-119L | Boeing | KC-135 Stratotanker, C-135 Stratolifter |
119C (SMC) | Pratt & Whitney | TF33-P-5/9/102, J57-43W/59W engines for C-135 |
119E (SMC) | CFM | F108-CF-100 engine for KC-135 |
119F (SMC) | Pratt & Whitney | TF33-P-102 engine for C-135 |
119T (SMC) | Boeing | EC-135 |
119Y (SMC) | Boeing | KC-135 |
119Z (SMC) | Boeing | C-135 |
WS-120A | - | BGM-75 AICBM (Advanced ICBM); project for a large MIRVed ICBM as a successor to Minuteman; cancelled |
WS-121A | Radioplane | GAM-67 Crossbow |
WS-121B | Radioplane | Longbow Anti-Radiation Missile |
WS-122A | McDonnell | GAM-72 (ADM-20) Quail |
WS-123A | Fairchild | SM-73 Bull Goose |
WS-124A | - | "Flying Cloud" Strategic Biological/Chemical Bombardment Balloon System |
WS-125A | - | Nuclear-Powered Bomber |
WS-126A | Cornell Aero Lab. | BDM (Bomber Defense Missile) |
(127) | (No information) | |
WS-128A | - | "Penetration System No.1" (no details known) |
WS-129A | General Dynamics | FB-111 Aardvark |
WS-130A | - | Air-to-surface missile for WS-110A and WS-125A |
WS-131B | North American | GAM-77 (AGM-28) Hound Dog |
WS-132A | - | Bomber Defense Missile for WS-110A |
WS-132B | - | Decoy Missile project |
WS-133A | Boeing | SM-80 (LGM-30) Minuteman |
133B (SMC) | Boeing | LGM-30F |
133G (SMC) | Boeing | LGM-30G |
133Z (SMC) | Boeing | LGM-30F/G |
(134) | (No information) | |
WS-135A | - | "Man in Space" System (SAC) |
(136...137) | (No information) | |
WS-138A | Douglas | GAM-87 (AGM-48) Skybolt (also RS-638A) |
WS-139A | Rockwell | B-1A |
WS-140A | Boeing | AGM-69 SRAM |
140Z (SMC) | Boeing | AGM-69A |
142A (SMC) | Martin Marietta | AGM-142A Have Nap |
169A | - | ??? ALBM (Bold Orion/Skybolt) |
WS-198A | - | Nuclear Program (no details known) |
WS-199A | - | SAC System Studies |
WS-199B | Martin | Bold Orion ALBM |
WS-199C | Lockheed | High Virgo ALBM |
WS-199D | McDonnell | Alpha Draco Hypersonic Boost-Glide Vehicle |
WS-199Y | - | High-Energy Fuel Studies |
WS-200A | Boeing | IM-99 (CIM-10) Bomarc |
WS-201A | Convair | F-102 Delta Dagger |
WS-201B | Convair | F-106 Delta Dart |
WS-201L | Convair | TF-102 Delta Dagger |
201E (SMC) | Pratt & Whitney | J75-P-17 engine for QF-106 |
201W (SMC) | Convair | F-106A/B, QF-106A/B |
WS-202A | North American | F-108 Rapier with AN/ASG-18 FCS and GAR-9 (AIM-47) missile |
(203) | (No information) | |
WS-204A | Republic | XF-103 |
WS-205G | Northrop | F-89J Scorpion |
WS-206A | North American | F-86D Sabre |
WS-207L | Lincoln Laboratories | (No information) |
WS-208A | Hughes | GAR-11 (AIM-26) Nuclear Falcon |
(209) | (No information) | |
WS-210A | - | SAMOS (Satellite Missile Observation System); originally WS-117M |
(211) | (No information) | |
WS-212L | - | AWCS (Air Weapons Control System); became SS-412L |
WS-213L | - | DEW (Distant Early Warning) Line; became 413L |
WS-214M | Lockheed | RC-121C, TC-121C, EC-121C Constellation |
(215) | (No information) | |
WS-216L | - | SAGE (Semi-Automatic Ground Environment) Air Defense System; became SS-416L |
WS-217A | McDonnell | F-101B Voodoo |
WS-218A | Bendix | IM-70 Talos |
(219) | (No information) | |
WS-220A | Hughes | GAR-1/2/3/4 (AIM-4) Falcon |
WS-221A | Philco/Ford | GAR-8 (AIM-9) Sidewinder |
221Z (SMC) | - | AIM-9 Sidewinder |
WS-222A | - | Wizard Anti-Missile Missile |
222G | - | Advanced Electro-Optical Countermeasures |
WS-223A | - | Interceptor Missile System (no details known) |
WS-224A | Western Electric | XLIM-49A Nike Zeus |
(225) | (No information) | |
226Z (SMC) | Raytheon | AIM-7 Sparrow |
WS-239A | - | MIDAS (Missile Defense Alarm System) (became AFP-461) |
279L | - | MER-6A rocket: ERCS (Emergency Rocket Communications System) on XRM-91 (SLV-1) Blue Scout Junior |
WS-299A | - | Air Defense System Studies |
WS-299B | - | Ballistic Missile Defense Studies |
WS-300A | - | Figher-Bomber Study; became WS-306A |
(301) | (No information) | |
WS-302A | Martin | B-68 project |
WS-303A | Lockheed | F-104 Starfighter |
WS-303G | Lockheed | F-104G Starfighter |
WS-303L | Lockheed | RF-104A Starfighter |
303Z (SMC) | Lockheed | F-104 (for FMS only) |
(304) | (No information) | |
WS-305C | North American | F-100C/D Super Sabre |
WS-306A | Republic | F-105 Thunderchief |
WS-306B | North American | F-107 |
WS-306L | Republic | RF-105 Thunderchief |
WS-307A | Martin | B-57 Canberra |
WS-307L | Martin | RB-57 Canberra |
WS-308A | Douglas | B-66 Destroyer |
WS-308L | Douglas | RB-66 Destroyer |
WS-308M | Douglas | RB-66C Destroyer |
WS-308N | Douglas | WB-66 Destroyer |
WS-309A | Martin | TM-76 (CGM/MGM-13) Mace |
(310...313) | (No information) | |
WS-314A | Martin Marietta | AGM-62 Walleye |
WS-314L | - | Tactical Air Control System |
WS-314M | - | Ground-Based Electronic Countermeasures System |
WS-315A-1 | Douglas | SM-75 (PGM-17) Thor |
WS-315A-2 | Chrysler | SM-78 (PGM-19) Jupiter |
316Z (SMC) | North American | F-86 Sabre |
317 | - | ATGAR (Anti-Tank Guided Air Rocket) |
WS-318A | - | Dispersed Site VTOL |
319Z (SMC) | Hughes | AGM-65 Maverick |
WS-320A | - | Theater Ballistic Missile |
WS-321A | Martin | GAM-83 (AGM-12) Bullpup |
(322) | (No information) | |
WS-323A | - | Tactical Strike/Reconnaissance System |
WS-324A | General Dynamics | F-111 Aardvark |
324A (SMC) | General Dynamics | F-111A, EF-111A |
324G (SMC) | General Dynamics | F-111G |
324L (SMC) | General Dynamics | EF-111A |
324M (SMC) | Pratt & Whitney | TF30-P-111 engine (peculiar) |
324N (SMC) | Pratt & Whitney | TF30 engine (common) |
324Z (SMC) | General Dynamics | F-111 |
WS-325A | - | MMRBM (Mobile Medium Range Ballistic Missile) |
WS-326A | McDonnell Douglas | F-4 Phantom |
WS-327A | McDonnell Douglas | RF-4 Phantom |
327E (SMC) | General Electric | J79 engine for F-4 |
327Z (SMC) | McDonnell Douglas | F-4 |
328A (SMC) | McDonnell Douglas | F-15A Eagle |
328D (SMC) | McDonnell Douglas | F-15D |
328E (SMC) | McDonnell Douglas | F-15E |
328Z (SMC) | McDonnell Douglas | F-15 |
329A (SMC) | Fairchild | A-10A Thunderbolt |
329F (SMC) | General Electric | TF34-GE-100A engine for A-10 |
329Z (SMC) | Fairchild | A-10A, OA-10A |
(330...334) | (No information) | |
335A (SMC) | Cessna | A-37A |
336A (SMC) | Rockwell | OV-10A Bronco |
337A (SMC) | LTV | A-7D Corsair |
380A (SMC) | Pratt & Whitney | F100-PW-100 engine |
380B (SMC) | Pratt & Whitney | F100-PW-200 engine |
380E (SMC) | Pratt & Whitney | F100 engine |
380F (SMC) | Pratt & Whitney | F100-PW-229 engine |
380N (SMC) | Pratt & Whitney | F100-PW-220 engine |
380P (SMC) | General Electric | F110-GE-129 engine |
WS-398B | - | Theater Ballistic Missile (TMX) |
WS-399A | - | Tactical System Studies |
WS-399B | - | Zero-Length Launch study |
SS-400L | Lockheed | C-130 Hercules |
SS-400M | Lockheed | RC-130 Hercules |
SS-400N | Lockheed | AC-130 Hercules |
400B (SMC) | Lockheed | AC-130H |
400C (SMC) | Lockheed | AC-130U |
400E (SMC) | Allison | T56 engine for C-130 |
400G (SMC) | Lockheed | MC-130E |
400H (SMC) | Lockheed | MC-130H |
400Z (SMC) | Lockheed | C-130 |
SS-401L | Douglas | C-132 |
SS-402L | Douglas | C-133 Cargomaster |
(403) | (No information) | |
404L | - | TRACALS (Traffic Control And Landing System); now ATCALS (Air Traffic Control And Landing System) |
405B | - | Spaceborne Laser Communications System |
405C | - | Laser Countermeasures |
405D | - | Joint Laser/ECCM Project |
(406) | (No information) | |
407L | - | TACS (Tactical Air Control System); now GTACS (Ground Theater Air Control System) |
(408...409) | (No information) | |
410L | - | Area Surveillance Control System |
410A (SMC) | Lockheed | C-5A Galaxy |
410B (SMC) | Lockheed | C-5B |
410E (SMC) | General Electric | TF39-GE-1C engine for C-5 |
410Z (SMC) | Lockheed | C-5A/B |
411L | - | AWACS (Airborne Warning And Control System) |
411E (SMC) | Pratt & Whitney | TF33-P-100A engine for E-3B/C |
411Z (SMC) | Boeing | E-3B/C |
SS-412L | - | "Quickdraw" AWCS (Air Weapons Control System); originally WS-212L |
413L | - | Distant Early Warning System (DEW LINE) |
414L | - | Atmospheric Early Warning System (Back-Scatter Over-the-Horizon Radar) |
SS-414M | - | Electronic Countermeasures System |
415L | - | MACIMS (Military Airlift Command Integrated Management System) |
SS-416L | - | SAGE (Semi-Automatic Ground Environment) Air Defense System; originally WS-216L |
416M | - | BUIC (Backup Interceptor Control); used with SAGE |
416M | - | White Sands Missile Range Surveillance System |
416P | - | "SEEK DAWN" Semi-Automated Air Surveillance System |
416Q | - | "Common Digitizer" Data Processing System for SAGE/BUIC |
417L | - | Surveillance/Control/Weather Satellite |
418L | - | Ryukyu Air Defense System |
418M | - | Hawaiian Air Defense System |
(419) | (No information) | |
SS-420A | Northrop | F-5 Freedom Fighter |
SS-420L | Northrop | T-38 Talon |
420W (SMC) | Northrop | T-38A/B |
420Z (SMC) | Northrop | F-5 (Navy & FMS only) |
(421) | (No information) | |
SS-422L | Boeing | KC-135 |
SS-423L | - | COMLOGNET (Combat Logistics Network); later DATACOM and AUTODIN (Automatic Digital Network) |
SS-424L | Cessna | T-37 |
424Z (SMC) | Cessna | T-37B |
SS-425L | - | NORAD Combat Operations Center |
SS-426L | Radioplane/Bendix | Q-4 (AQM-35) |
SS-426M | - | Supersonic Drone |
SS-427L | Lockheed | XQ-5 (AQM-60) Kingfisher |
427M | - | MACIMS (415L) and NORAD Cheyenne Mountain Complex (425L) Improvement Program |
428A | - | TIPI/MAGIS (Tactical Information Processing and Interpretation/Marine Air Ground Intelligence System) |
428L | - | MEECN/GWEN (Minimum Essential Emergency Communications Network/Ground Wave Emergency Network) |
SS-429L | Teledyne Ryan | Q-2 (AQM-34) Firebee |
429Z (SMC) | Teledyne Ryan | AQM-34L/M, BQM-34A Firebee |
430A | - | Photoprocessing and Interpretation Facility (ES-75) |
SS-431L | - | TRACALS (Traffic Control And Landing System) incl. AN/FPN-47 |
431G | - | Electro-Optical Warfare |
SS-432L | - | Crash Locator System |
SS-433L | - | METRO Weather Observation and Forecasting System |
SS-434L | Lockheed | QF-80 |
WS-434 | - | NAVSPASUR (Naval Space Surveillance System) |
435A | - | NNSS (Navy Navigational Satellite System) |
435L | - | ARIA (Apollo Range Instrumentation Aircraft) |
436M | - | "SEED CUPS" SAC Command & Control System |
437A | - | Nuclear-Armed Unguided Satellite Inspection System |
SS-438L | - | AIDS Intelligence Data Handling System |
439L | - | Sea Coastal Cable Communications System |
440L | - | Forward Scatter Over-the-Horizon Radar System (AN/FRT-80 transmitter, AN/FSQ-76 receiver) |
441A | - | "COBRA MIST" Back-Scatter Over-the-Horizon Missile Warning Radar (AN/FPS-95) |
441D | - | "COBRA TALON" |
441L | - | AFSATCOM (Air Force Satellite Communication) System |
442L | - | (related to?) X-7A-3, X-7B |
SS-443L | Bell | H-40 (UH-1) Iroquois |
443Z (SMC) | Bell | HH-1H, UH-1N |
(444) | (No information) | |
SS-445L | - | Jet Transport Support System |
SS-445M | - | Supersonic Transport |
446A (SMC) | DH Canada | C-7A Caribou (FMS only) |
447L | North American | X-15; designation later changed to RS-605A |
SS-448L | - | Tactical Tanker Support System |
(449) | (No information) | |
450A | - | Tactical LORAN System (AN/ARN-101(V)) |
451D | - | "COMBAT GRANDE" Spanish Air Defense System |
451L (SMC) | - | JTIDS (Joint Tactical Information Distribution System) (also 634B) |
SS-452L | Rockwell | T-39 Sabreliner |
452Z (SMC) | Rockwell | T-39A/B |
453L | Avro Canada | Disc-Shaped VTOL Aircraft Project; designation later changed to WS-606A |
(454) | (No information) | |
SS-455L | - | Project "HYWARDS" (Hypersonic Weapons Research & Development Supporing System) |
456L | - | "Quadrajector" (Display System for SAC) (456L is also reported as "Global Communications System") |
SS-457L | - | Air Rescue Support System |
458L | - | Wideband Transmission System |
RS-459L | - | "Brass Bell" Reconnaissance System |
SS-460L | - | Weather Reconnaissance Suite for WC-135 |
460A (SMC) | - | Radar System for E-8C |
460B (SMC) | - | Operation & Control System for E-8C |
460C (SMC) | - | Communication System for E-8C |
460Z (SMC) | Northrop Grumman/Boeing | E-8C |
WS-461L | - | High-Altitude Balloon Reconnaissance System |
SS-462L | Beechcraft | Q-12 (AQM-37) |
SS-463L | - | Pallet Cargo Handling System for Aircraft |
SS-464L | Boeing | X-20 Dyna-Soar (also RS-620A) |
SS-465L | - | SACCS (Strategic Air Command Control System) |
SS-466L | - | Electromagnetic Intelligence System (collection, processing, distribution & transmission of ELINT data) |
SS-467L | - | Advanced Navigational Training Support System |
SS-468L | - | UCX Utility/Transport (T-40) |
469L | - | CORTS (Conversion Of Range Telemetry Systems) |
SS-470L | - | Communications Satellite System |
SS-471L | Boeing | CH-46 and CH-47 Chinook |
SS-472L | - | Support System Test Aircraft |
SS-473L | - | USAF Command & Control System |
SS-474L | - | BMEWS (Ballistic Missile Early Warning System) |
474N | - | SLBM Detection System (AN/FSS-7) |
(475) | (No information) | |
SS-476L | Lockheed | C-141 Starlifter |
476E (SMC) | Pratt & Whitney | TF33-P-7A engine for C-141B |
476L (SMC) | Lockheed | C-141B |
477L | - | NUDETS (Nuclear Detonation Detection and Reporting System) |
SS-478A | Vought | XC-142A |
478T (SMC) | - | TRITAC (Tri-Service Tactical Communications System) Telephone Switching System |
(479) | (No information) | |
SS-480L | - | USAF Communications System |
SS-481B | Boeing | E-4 Advanced Airborne Command Post |
481L (SMC) | - | SAC PACCS (Post Attack Command & Control System); used in EC-135, EB-47 |
481Z (SMC) | Boeing | E-4B |
482L | - | EMS (Emergency Mission Support System); incorporated in 407L |
482B (SMC) | Sikorsky | TH-53A for SOF (Special Operations Forces) |
482E (SMC) | General Electric | T64-GE-100 engine for TH-53A, MH-53J |
482M (SMC) | Sikorsky | MH-53J |
482Z (SMC) | - | 650 Gal. Tank & Pylon for HH-53 |
483L | - | "ACE KING"/"Doublesteel" Air/Ground Digital Secure Teletype Communication System |
484L | - | "SOFT TALK" Secure Voice/Teletype Communication System; a.k.a. Presidential Aircraft Support System |
484M | - | "BUILD BACK" HF Equipment (stored in National Guard armories) |
484N | - | "WET WASH" Pacific Communication System |
484L (SMC) | - | SCOPE (System Capable Of Planned Expansion) Command; related to HFGCS (High Frequency Global Communication System) |
485L | - | TACSI (Tactical Air Control System Improvements); follow-on to System 407L |
485Z (SMC) | Sikorsky | CH-3E, HH-3E |
486L | - | "DEEP SEA" Mediterranean Communications System |
487L | - | SLFCS (Survivable Low Frequency Communication System); now MEECN (Minimum Essential Emergency Communication Network) |
487M | - | Special Purpose LF/VLF Communication System |
488L | - | "GREEN PINE" NAUHF (Northern Area Ultra High Frequency) Radio System |
489L | - | Northern Area Command System |
490L | - | AUTOVON DCS (Automatic Voice Network of the Defense Communications System) |
490M | - | PAIL (Post Attack Intercontinental Link) |
(491) | (No information) | |
492L | - | US STRICOM Command & Control |
493L | - | AUTOSEVOCOM (Automatic Secure Voice Communications) |
494L | - | ERCS/PARCS (Emergency/Post Attack Rocket Communications System) |
SS-495L | - | Mark XII IFF |
495L | - | USAF AMC (Air Mobility Command) C2IPS (Command & Control Information Processing System) |
SS-496L | - | "Spacetrack" SPADATS (Space Objects Detection, Tracking & Identification System); used with SS-474L |
SS-497A | - | Miscellaneous NASA System Work |
497L | - | "Quickpass" ADS (Automatic Digital Switching System) |
497L (SMC) | - | NMD (National Missile Defense) Ground Based Sensor |
SS-498A | - | ARPA Work Orders |
SS-498C | Lockheed | SC-130B Hercules |
SS-498D | - | Strategic Communications System |
SS-498E | - | MATS Modernization |
498L (SMC) | - | MILSTAR SatCom |
SS-499A | - | Supporting System Planning |
SS-499B | - | Electronic Systems Studies |
SS-499C | - | Advanced System and Space Vehicle Studies |
SS-499D | - | Intelligence and Reconnaissance Systems Study |
500L (SMC) | - | Ground Communication Product Group |
OS-510A | - | Nuclear Warfare |
OS-520B | - | Support Equipment |
OS-520F | - | Deceleration Devices |
OS-520H | - | Materials |
OS-530A | - | Guidance and Weapons |
OS-530D | - | Navigation and Guidance |
OS-530E | - | Flight Control |
OS-530F | - | Weapon Fire Control |
OS-530H | - | Vehicle Defense |
OS-530J | - | Computer Equipment |
OS-540A | - | Advanced Weapons |
542N (SMC) | - | Shelters |
OS-550A | - | Aeronautical Equipment |
OS-550E | - | Propulsion |
OS-550F | - | Secondary Power |
OS-560A | - | Electronics and Communications |
OS-560B | - | Surveillance Equipment |
OS-560C | - | Communications |
OS-560D | - | Electromagnetic Warfare |
OS-560E | - | Electronic Equipment |
OS-560F | - | Reconnaissance |
OS-560G | - | Electromagnetic Vulnerability Reduction |
OS-560H | - | Intelligence |
OS-570A | - | Aerospace Environment / Geoastrophysics |
OS-580A | - | Human Factors |
OS-580E | - | Targets and Drones |
590K (SMC) | - | Base Maintenance and Support Equipment Spares |
591K (SMC) | - | GBU-15/B |
592K (SMC) | - | LGB (laser Guided Bomb) |
RS-600A | - | Advanced Systems / Experimental Vehicles |
RS-601A | Lockheed | X-7 |
601L | - | Advanced Aerospace Offensive System |
RS-602A | Bell | XV-3 |
602L | - | Advanced Aerospace Defensive System |
RS-603A | Ryan | X-13; became 693A |
603L | - | Tactical Forces System |
RS-604A | - | VTOL Aircraft Problem Investigation |
RS-605A | North American | X-15; originally 447L |
RS-606A / WS-606A | Avro Canada | Supersonic Disc-Shaped VTOL Aircraft Project (related to VZ-9 Avrocar) |
RS-607A | Hiller | X-18 |
(608) | (No information) | |
RS-609A / TS-609A | - | Hypersonic Environment Test Vehicle (XRM-89/90/91 Blue Scout) |
(610...613) | (No information) | |
RS-614A | - | Advanced AICBM |
(615) | (No information) | |
616A | - | MEECN (Minimum Essential Emergency Communications Network) Modem and Antenna |
(617) | (No information) | |
RS-618A | - | Dispersed Site VTOL |
(619) | (No information) | |
RS-620A | Boeing | X-20 Dyna-Soar project (also SS-464L) |
621A | - | SAINT (Satellite Interceptor) Satellite Inspection System (also RS-649F); became AFP-706 |
621B | - | Manned SAINT (Satellite Interceptor), a.k.a. SAINT II |
621B | - | USAF Navigation Satellite System; became 666A |
WS-622A | - | Discoverer satellite program |
623A | United Technology Corp. | Large Solid-Propellant Launch Vehicle Rocket Motor |
624A | Martin | Standardized Launch System (SLV-5 Titan III) |
RS-625A | - | Manned Nuclear Aircraft Propulsion |
(626) | (No information) | |
627A | - | ABRES (Advanced Ballistic Reentry System) Research |
632P (SMC) | - | AN/AAR-44 for C-130 |
633F | - | Stellar Inertial Doppler System |
634A | - | "COBRA DANE" Radar |
634B | - | JTIDS (Joint Tactical Information Distribution System) (also 451L) |
635P (SMC) | Lundy | AN/ALE-24 for B-52 |
RS-638A | Douglas | GAM-87 (AGM-48) Skybolt (alsoWS-138A) |
639P (SMC) | Marconi (Tracor) | AN/ALE-40 for A-7, A-10, C-130, F-4, F-5, F-16, HH-53 |
640P (SMC) | Marconi | AN/ALE-45 for F-15 |
641P (SMC) | Marconi | AN/ALE-47 for F-16 |
642A | - | "SEEK POINT" AN/TPB-1A radar system |
643P (SMC) | - | AN/ALM-233 (test set for AN/ALQ-184) for A-10, F-16, F-4G |
648A | Lockheed | AGENA D |
648D | - | Supersonic Flight Control Research |
648P (SMC) | - | AN/ALQ-99 for EF-111A |
RS-649A | - | SAC Experimental Vehicle Studies |
RS-649B | - | SLAM/CLAM |
WS-649C | - | Mach 2+ VSTOL Tactical Fighter |
RS-649D | - | Advanced AICBM |
RS-649E | - | Space Counterweapons System |
RS-649F | - | SAINT (Satellite Interceptor) Satellite Inspection System (also 621A); became AFP-706 |
649L | - | Space Combat Weapon System |
649P (SMC) | Northrop Grumman (Westinghouse) | AN/ALQ-101 for F-4 |
RS-650A | - | Test Instrumentation |
651A | - | Scramjet-Powered SSTO (Single Stage To Orbit) Aerospaceplane |
652P (SMC) | Motorola | AN/ALQ-122 for B-52 |
RS-655A | - | Advanced Subsystems and Components (Propulsion) |
655A | Marquardt | LASRM (Low Altutude Short Range Missile) |
655P (SMC) | Northrop Grumman (Westinghouse) | AN/ALQ-131 for F-16, F-4, F-15, F-111 |
656P (SMC) | Northrop Grumman | AN/ALQ-135 for F-15 |
660P (SMC) | Northrop Grumman | AN/ALQ-155 for B-52, MC-130 |
661P (SMC) | AIL | AN/ALQ-161 for B-1B |
664P (SMC) | ITT | AN/ALQ-172 for B-52 |
RS-665A | - | Advanced Subsystems and Components (Electronics) |
665A | - | Airborne Command Post C-130 or Multi-Sensor Airborne Reconnaissance/Strike System |
666A | - | Integrated NavSat/Inertial Test System; originally 621B |
666C (SMC) | Raytheon | AN/ALQ-184 items used on systems other than F-4 & F-16 |
666P (SMC) | Raytheon | AN/ALQ-184 for F-16, F-4 |
667A | - | Integrated Flight Control System for Manned Aerospace Vehicles |
668A | USAF FDL | Investigation of the effects of airframe after-body/nozzle design on drag and thrust |
670B | - | Conventional Weapons Guidance Technology |
672A | - | Advanced ICBM Technology Program |
672M (SMC) | Lockheed Martin | AN/ALR-56M Advanced Radar Warning Receiver |
672P (SMC) | Lockheed Martin (Loral) | AN/ALR-56 for F-15, F-16C/D, RF-4C |
674P (SMC) | Litton | AN/ALR-69 for F-4, F-16, A-10, C-130, HH-53 |
RS-675A | - | Advanced Subsystems and Components (Guidance and Weapons) |
679A | - | Advanced Air-to-Surface Missile Technology |
680J | - | Survivable Flight Control System |
681D | - | Space Guidance Instruments |
681E | - | BISS (Base(?) Installation Security System) |
683A | - | "Vela" Nuclear Detection Satellite |
683J | - | TACS (Tactical Air Control System) Automation Studies |
683V (SMC) | Boeing | T-43A |
RS-685A | - | Advanced Subsystems and Components (Human Factors) |
686F | - | Development of Aircraft Flight Simulation Complex |
687J | - | TACSATCOM (Tactical Satellite Communications) |
687P (SMC) | - | Blanker for F-16 |
690K (SMC) | - | Vehicle Equipment Spares |
691C | - | Multiband Decoy for AGM-86 |
691X | - | ECM Technology |
691Z | - | Software Development for WWMCCS (World Wide Military Command & Control System) Operational Support |
693A | Ryan | X-13; originally RS-603A |
RS-695x | - | Advanced development support: 695A: RAND 695B: Analytical Service, Inc. (ANSER) 695C: Itek Corp. 695L: Lincoln Lab. 695N: Space Technology Lab., Atlas 695P: Space Technology Lab., Titan 695Q: Space Technology Lab., Thor 695R: Space Technology Lab., Minuteman 695S: Space Technology Lab., Samos/Midas |
736P (SMC) | Condor Systems | AN/APR-46A Panoramic Receiver for MH-53J |
741P (SMC) | - | TEWS (Tactical Electronic Warfare System) test equipment for F-15 |
742P (SMC) | - | AN/AAQ-13 LANTIRN Navigation Pod (peculiar to F-15, F-16) |
743C (SMC) | - | AN/AAQ-14 LANTIRN Target Pod (common) |
743P (SMC) | - | AN/AAQ-14 LANTIRN Target Pod (peculiar to F-15, F-16) |
745C (SMC) | - | MILSATCOM |
754P (SMC) | - | AN/ALM-234 |
802L (SMC) | - | SAC HF/SSB (High Frequency/Single Sideband) radio system |
802L (SMC) | - | SCOPE Command; see 484L |
806L (SMC) | - | Range Threat System (threat radar simulators; equipment for assessing effectiveness in ground attack training; also 846L) |
807L (SMC) | - | DSP (Defense Support Program) |
817L (SMC) | - | Technical Sensor Collection Systems ("COBRA DANE" AN/FPS-108, "COBRA JUDY" AN/SPQ-11, "COBRA SHOE") |
823L (SMC) | - | USAF communications not in other networks |
832L (SMC) | - | DMSP (Defense Meteorological Satellite Program) |
834L (SMC) | - | NAVSTAR GPS (Global Positioning System) |
846L (SMC) | - | Range Threat System (also 806L) |
952Z (SMC) | - | C-47 (FMS only) |
956Z (SMC) | - | C-118 (FMS only) |
968H | - | "PACER HARMONY" Joint Surveillance System |
3 Other Projects
There are some numbers in my "database", which are associated with USAF projects, but don't seem to fall into the "MX", "WS/SS/RS" and "System" designation lists. Instead the numbers are usually just prefixed with "Project", "Program", "AFP" (Air Force Program) or not at all. It is possible that some of the numbers (especially the 3-digit ones) actually belong to the "System" numbering series of the preceding section.
AFP-43: Meteorological Satellite; early version of AFP-417 Program 102: Heavy ELINT Satellite (also 698, 704, 770) Program 110: "GAMBIT" (KH-8) Reconnaissance Satellite (also 1700) Program 162: "CORONA" (KH-1/2/3/4, Discoverer-A/B) Reconnaissance Satellite (also 846) Program 188: "GAMBIT" (KH-7) Reconnaissance Satellite (also 206) AFP-201: SAMOS version (see also WS-210A) Program 202: Reentry Test Vehicle; continued by 698AN Program 206: "GAMBIT" (KH-7) Reconnaissance Satellite (also 188) 244: Large Multi-Purpose Synchronous Satellite 266: Integrated Reconnaissance/Early Warning System; became 949 287: MOL (Manned Orbital Laboratory); also AFP-632 AFP-313: Data Relay Satellite (satellite manufactured by Hughes) AFP-366: "CHALET" SIGINT Satellite 369: Random Satellite Communication System AFP-417: Military Meteorological Satellite System (satellites manufactured by RCA); possibly identical to 417L AFP-461: MIDAS (Missile Defense Alarm System) AFP-472: Classified Satellite ("RHYOLITE"?); possibly related/identical to 720 Program 437: "Thor" Anti-Satellite Missile Program 467: "HEXAGON" (KH-9A, "Big Bird") Reconnaissance Satellite (also 1900) Program 505: Satellite Intercept and Destruction System 572: Interim Defense Satellite Communications System AFP-612: Precursor to 467 AFP-632: "DORIAN" (KH-10) Manned Orbital Laboratory MOL; also 287 633: Satellite Interceptor 641: MIDAS Satellite ??? AFP-647: Integrated Missile Warning System AFP-658: "SDS-2-2" Communications Satellite Program 694BH: same as AFP-417 Program 698: Heavy ELINT Satellite (also 102, 704, 770) 698AA: Bioastronautic Orbiting Space System 698AM: Manned Space Satellite Surveillance System; related to 823 698AN: Reentry Test Vehicle; superseded by X-23A PRIME 698CK: Advanced Electronic Devices 698DC: VTOL Flight Control Research 698DF: Airborne Tactical Bombardment System Program 704: Heavy ELINT Satellite (also 102, 698, 770) AFP-706: Project SAINT (Co-Orbital Satellite Inspection System); also 621A, RS-649F AFP-711: "JUMPSEAT" ELINT Satellite (World-Wide Radar Mapping Satellite System) AFP-720: SAMOS (Satellite Missile Observation System) AFP-720A: Advanced SAMOS 726: Synchronous Communications Satellite System; became 814 726: Reentry Test Vehicle; cancelled; continued by 202 AFP-731: "IKON" ("Improved CRYSTAL") (KH-12?) Reconnaissance Satellite 749: OASIS Sea Surveillance Satellite System Program 750A: Mechanics of Flight Research Program Program 770: Heavy ELINT Satellite (also 102, 698, 704) 777: DSCS (Defense Satellite Communications System) II 814: Synchronous Communications Satellite System; originally 726 823: VELA HOTEL Satellite AFP-827: "CANYON" SIGINT Satellite Program 846: "CORONA" (KH-1/2/3/4, Discoverer-A/B) Reconnaissance Satellite (also 162) 920: Photographic Satellite Program 922: Non-Nuclear Anti-Satellite System using "Thor" missiles (similar to 437) AFP-949: Reconnaissance and Early Warning System (part of AFP-647); originally 266 980: Electromagnetic Signal Monitoring Satellite Project 1005: Miniature Vehicle study by the Air Force Space Division Program 1010: "KENNAN"/"CRYSTAL" (KH-11) reconnaissance satellite (also 5500) Project 1105: Integrated computer-aided manufacturing Program 1115: "CORONA" reconnaissance satellite (also 846 and 162) Project 1118: USAF Nuclear Walleye (AGM-62) Project 1132: Monopulse seeker for AIM-7F (to counter countermeasures) Project 1136: SATIN IV Project 1144: Automated technical control (what's that??) Project 1155: Study of signatures for optical intelligence Project 1156: Study of signatures for radiation intelligence Project 1157: Study of signatures for FLIR sensors Project 1174: Intelligence security equipment Project 1177: Non-cooperative identification (for F-15); AN/ASX-2(??) Project 1182: Landmass simulator for F-111 training device Project 1190: Precision Emitter Location Strike System (PELLS); see also 1947 Project 1226: X-15 (some sources quote this as "MX-1226", but this is incorrect) Project 1227: Ryan X-13 VTOL aircraft; project number later re-used Project 1227: Terminal-oriented technologies for space communications Project 1230: Tactical expendable drones Project 1239: Eurasian threat systems Project 1308: New threat electronic warfare simulator Project 1366: Aerodynamics and flight mechanics research; part of Program 750A Project 1368: Structural configuration concepts for aerospace vehicles; part of Program 750A Project 1466: ASSET (Aerothermodynamic/Elastic Structural Systems Environmental Tests); part of Program 750A; flight vehicles by McDonnell Project 1472: Small gain-changing amplifier by AF Flight Dynamics Lab Program 1559: PAVE SPOT program (AN/AVQ-12) Project 1627: Simulation analysis and evaluation Program 1700: "GAMBIT" (KH-8) reconnaissance satellite (also 110) Project 1794: Disc-shaped aircraft research by Avro Canada (some sources quote this as "MX-1794", but this is incorrect) Project 1815: EOGB (Electro-Optical Guided Bomb) Project 1823: Base & Installation Security Systems (BISS) Program 1900: "HEXAGON" (KH-9A, "Big Bird") reconnaissance satellite (also 467) Project 1901: Modular Guided Glide Bomb MGGB-2; related to GBU-15(V) and PAVE STRIKE Project 1947: Emitter location system (PELLS); related to PAVE STRIKE Project 1949: Airborne Location & Strike System (ALSS); related to PAVE STRIKE Project 1955: DOD indications & warning Project 1993: Advanced concepts, studies & analysis for strategic bomber penetration Project 2000: ECM program by AF Avionics Lab (active RF & electro-optical countermeasures) Project 2001: Laser & electro-optical technology Project 2002: Microwave & radar technology Project 2003: Avionic system design technology (DAIS) Project 2004: Aerospaceborne reconnaissance Project 2028: Space segment technologies for DSCS, SSS, GPSCS Project 2029: Systems analysis & demonstrations for DSCS, SSS, GPSCS Project 2053: Foreign Technology Division intelligence processes Project 2056: AN/AVQ-26 PAVE TACK pod Project 2057: Quick Strike Reconnaissance; also 2257?? Project 2059: AN/FPS-115 PAVE PAWS Project 2068: Advanced seekers for conventional munitions Project 2073: Counter missile protective system for F-15 Project 2074: AN/ALQ-125 Tactical Electronic Reconnaissance (TEREC) sensor for RF-4C; also 2704?? Project 2094: Airborne data automation set Project 2096: AN/TSQ-90()(V) Tactical Electronic Reconnaissance Processing & Evaluation System Project 2106: Photogrammetric target system (deployable database); related to PAVE STRIKE Project 2107: Multi-mission RPV; related to PAVE STRIKE Project 2114: Antenna Test Range Project 2121: SEEK SKYHOOK Project 2126: Space surveillance technology: cryogenic cooler Project 2127: Space surveillance technology: measurements Project 2128: Ground-based deep space surveillance radar Project 2129: Study of space surveillance concepts Project 2130: Satellite attack warning Project 2134: Miniature space defense systems Project 2135: Advanced space defense systems Project 2144: Imaging infrared guidance; related to PAVE STRIKE Project 2145: Helmet-mounted laser acquisition sight Project 2152: Mission engineering support Project 2157: DCS long-haul communications transmission improvements Project 2165: COMPASS PREVIEW Project 2167: SPADATS improvements Project 2174: Tactical intelligence equipment; also 2716?? Project 2184: Covert night sensor Project 2189: Ground & Amphibious Military Operations (GAMO) Project 2206: Digital European Backbone (DRAMA): AN/FCC-88/89, AN/FRC-171/173, TSEC/KG-81 Project 2210: Mixed mode countermeasures Project 2222: Advanced electro-optic countermeasures pod Project 2241: Instrumented target vehicle (ASAT tests) Project 2257: Same as/related to 2057?? Project 2272: Active ECM systems for F-16 Project 2273: Warning systems (INEWS) Project 2274: Special operations aircraft dispensers and expendables for AC-130, MC-130, CH-53 Project 2277: Anti-jam UHF voice communications: HAVE QUICK(?) Project 2285: Study of threat systems Project 2286: Improvement of ACMI range equipment/simulated ground-based radar jamming equipment Project 2288: Standard cryogenic cooler Project 2305: Defense research sciences electronics project Project 2307: Integrated tactical ew system Project 2315: Automated support of tactical intelligence Project 2317: Tactical information distribution (Integrated Burst Communications) Project 2323: Radar prediction system Project 2333: Ground radar eccm (digitally coded radar) Project 2334: Airborne radar eccm Project 2335: Phased-array antenna for troposcatter systems or communications & navigation ECCM (SEEK TALK) Project 2337: Advanced reconnaissance camera capability Project 2345: Jam-resistant imagery transmission Project 2347: Optical counter-countermeasures Project 2353: Advanced concept development for strategic bomber penetration Project 2355: Advanced drone/RPV Project 2360: Visual systems for fighter/attack simulator Project 2363: Advanced video technology project Project 2368: Tactical reconnaissance data link Project 2387: Intra-theater imagery transmission system Project 2403: Flight control Project 2423: Materials & processes for optical, electromagnetic & electrical subsystems Project 2432: Radar warning & power management (INEWS) Project 2435: Joint services electro-optical guided weapons countermeasures test Project 2442: Home-on-jam demonstration with GBU-15 Project 2472: Advanced technology fighter Project 2479: Common support equipment Project 2519: Airborne radar improvements Project 2543: Effectiveness of advanced missile seekers & processor technology in conventional weapons Project 2612: Satellite system survivability Project 2704: Tactical electronic reconnaissance sensor; same as 2074?? (typo in number?) Project 2709: Integrated turbine engine monitoring system Project 2746: Low probability of intercept communications; HAVE LACE Project 2769: Flight simulator development: B-1B, F-15, F-16, T-46, AN/ALQ-99 Project 2829: Crew systems technology Project 2879: Area reprogramming capability for AN/ALQ-161 Project 2900: Radar Target Scatter (RATSCAT) upgrade Project 2978: Hardware development for AFTI F-16 (AMAS) Project 2995: Advanced tactical fighter Project 3033: Advanced power sources for space systems Project 3034: Advanced power sources for aircraft systems Project 3036: Advanced power sources for missile systems Project 3037: Noise & sonic boom impact technology Project 3080: Generic integrated maintenance diagnostics; for B-1B Project 3106: Protective systems for A-10; AN/ALE-47(V) Project 3107: Protective systems for Special Mission Aircraft Project 3120: Seeker development Project 3129: Integrated EW suite for MC-130H Project 3141: Camouflage, concealment & detection Project 3158: EW planning & management/integration of VHSIC (Very High Speed Integrated Circuits) Project 3178: Guidance system development Project 3191: Central Integrated Test Set for B-1B Project 3197: Software development for AFTI F-16 (AMAS) Project 3224: High energy laser countermeasures Project 3262: Radar maturation Project 3307: External active camouflage Project 3319: On-Board EW System (OBEWS); related ground-based equipment includes AN/MSQ-T22 Project 3320: Training equipment for Strategic Air Command: AN/MLQ-T4, AN/MSR-T4, AN/MST-T1A Project 3321: Airborne radar ECCM Project 3322: Infrared-guided bomb Project 3365: Radar remoting appliqué Project 3630: Joint EW Center Project 3829: Infrared & optical countermeasures Project 3833: RF generator/amplifier development Project 4007: Tactical reconnaissance film processor Project 4027: EW data processing techniques Project 4036: Electronic warfare technology development Project 4040: Development of an automatic ECCM system for aerospace vehicles Program 4043: Development of ECM technology against communications, guidance & identification links of air-defense systems Project 4053: Conversion of C-123 to NC-123 "BLACK SPOT" night attack aircraft Project 4056: Infrared reconnaissance and surveillance technology development Project 4062: Air-to-air/air-to-ground propagation studies Project 4075: Aerospace reconnaissance and surveillance sensor development Project 4076: Infrared detection, identification and tracking technology development Project 4083: Deception countermeasures (ECCM) development Project 4108: All-weather radar reconnaissance technology development Project 4123: Investigation of flare effectiveness Project 4144: High-precision air-to-ground delivery system development Project 4156: Microelectronics research & development Project 4159: Solid-state integrated circuit development Project 4161: Material development for electromagnetic windows (radomes) Project 4163: Electromagnetic detection/tracking sensor development Project 4164: Tri-Service satellite communications technology development Project 4167: Avionics systems development Project 4200: Celestial navigation & guidance technology development Project 4335: Aerospace communication links technology development Project 4357: Reduction of electromagnetic interference in avionics systems Project 4366: Integrated attack avionics Project 4367: All-weather air-to-air IFF technology development Project 4421: Navigation & guidance computer technology development Project 4431: INS (Inertial Navigation System) technology development Project 4460: Solid-state microwave communication device development Project 4506: Electromagnetic surveillance technology Project 4519: ECCM for communications & control systems Project 4594: Intelligence in command, control & communications Project 4600: Electromagnetic radiation technology development (advanced antennas) by AF Electronic Systems Division Project 4603: Long wave propagation & ionospheric interaction study Project 4608: Study of radiation damage to solid-state electronics by AF Cambridge Research Labs Project 4610: Information processing study by AF Electronic Systems Division Project 4641: Data processing technology project by AF Electronic Systems Division Project 4642: Study of reentry communications problems Project 4643: Development of interferometer measurement techniques for missile tracking radar systems by AF Electronic Systems Division Project 4645: Light-matter interaction study (to advance laser technology) Project 4648: Information processing technology development by AF Electronic Systems Division Project 4691: Study of upper air structure and composition by AF Electronic Systems Division Project 4925: Development of penetration aids (ECM/ECCM) for aerospace vehicles Project 4928: Passive spaceborne electromagnetic warfare systems development Project 4939: Passive infrared countermeasures systems development for air-breathing & spaceborne vehicles Project 5042: Development of high-resolution radar sensors for navigation, guidance, weapons delivery and reconnaissance Project 5102: Inertial guidance system components development Project 5177: Guidance system test methods & equipment development Project 5199: Low-altitude radar penetration technology development Project 5201: Navigation & guidance subsystems development Project 5222: Airborne meteorological system development Project 5227: Tactical aircraft self-defense & fire-control system development Project 5237: Laser technology development Project 5244: Laser communication & targeting technology development Program 5500: "KENNAN"/"CRYSTAL" (KH-11) reconnaissance satellite (also 1010) Project 5546: Development of IR and radar "stealth" technology Project 5573: Microwave tubes & devices Project 5579: Study of electromagnetic propagation techniques Project 5615: Protective systems for B-52: AN/ALQ-154/155, AN/ALR-46, AN/ALT-28 update Project 5616: Protective systems for F/FB-111: AN/AAR-38, AN/ALQ-137, AN/ALR-62 Project 5617: Protective systems for SR-71 Project 5618: Protective systems for F-15: TEWS AN/ALQ-135 Project 5619: Development of AN/ALQ-131(V) Project 5620: Study of radiation effects on conductors, semiconductors and insulators Project 5621: Study on the physics of solid state phenomena Project 5628: Study on advanced communications processes by AF Electronic Systems Division Project 5629: Radio astronomy and astrophysics study Project 5631: Determination of lower atmosphere ionization effects by AF Electronic Systems Division Project 5789: Highly maneuverable air-to-air missile project Project 5971: Target acquisition aid for electro-optical weapons Project 5972: ECCM technology Project 5974: DME-guided SUU-54/B; related to PAVE STRIKE Project 6096: Electronic device & circuits technology Project 6114: Development of a mathematical model which can be computer implemented to synthesize the display presentation of high-resolution ground-mapping radar systems Project 6220: Day/night reconnaissance & surveillance systems development Project 6239: General studies of characteristics of new reconnaissance concepts and applications Project 6244: Reconnaissance interpretation techniques Project 6263: Electro-optical sensor, data processing and image display technology development for reconnaissance, surveillance & weapon-delivery Project 6272: Reconnaissance data recording/reproducing materials research Project 6278: Development of antenna design techniques Project 6510: Flight test of threat system simulators/replica threat radars Project 6512: Space surveillance techniques Project 6519: Electromagnetic counter-countermeasures Project 6527: Optical surveillance technology Project 6530: Electronic intelligence analysis processing subsystem Project 7062: Aerospace navigation & guidance computer subsystems development Project 7511: Lightweight air-launched torpedo by Marconi Space & Defense Systems. Project 7622: Tactical weapons delivery Project 7629: Strategic weapons delivery Project 7633: Passive electronic countermeasures Project 7660: Space surveillance techniques Project 7662: Avionic data transmission & reception Project 7820: Project to increase communications security by Electronic Systems Division Project 7844: Real-time internal damage assessment technology development Project 7848: Development of advanced scoring techniques for missiles fired at aerospace targets Project 7849: Development of ways to simulate the parameters of a threat aircraft with aerial targets and drones
Code Names
Since the 1960's, the Air Force usually assigns code names instead of numbers to its projects. Code names are composed of two reasonably short words, and some well-known examples are:
- SENIOR TREND (the Lockheed F-117A stealth fighter)
- HAVE BLUE (the Lockheed stealth techology demonstrator)
- TACIT RAINBOW (the Northrop AGM-136 anti-radar missile)
- SENIOR CITIZEN (originally believed to be a hypersonic reconnaissance aircraft ("Aurora"), this probably refers to a secret Special Operations STOL and/or Stealth Transport)
The first word is often one of a set of relatively few different words (SENIOR, HAVE, PAVE, PACER, COMPASS, QUICK and others), and operationally related programs use the same word (e.g. "SENIOR" denotes some kind of strategic system). For more information about these names, see article on Code Names for U.S. Military Projects and Operations.
4 Sources
In no particular order:
[1] Steve Pace, Raymond L. Puffer: "MP Numbers, MX Numbers, WS Numbers, Code Names and Project Names", Unpublished compilation, 2002
[2] Jacob Neufeld: "Ballistic Missiles in the United States Air Force, 1945-1960", Office of Air Force Histoy, 1990
[3] Jay Miller: "The X-Planes X-1 to X-45", Midland Publishing, 2001
[4] Jay Miller: "Convair B-58 Hustler", Midland Publishing, 1997
[5] Steve Pace: "X-Fighters: USAF Experimental and Prototype Fighters", Motorbooks, 1991
[6] Garry R. Pape, John M. Campbell: "Northrop Flying Wings", Schiffer Publishing, 1995
[7] Marcelle S. Knaack: "Encyclopedia of USAF Aircraft and Missile Systems", Part I and II
[8] "Air Force Magazine", September 1960
[9] USAF: "Holloman AFB Report", various ed.
[10] Defense Marketing Services: "Code Names Handbook", 1983
[11] "Air Force Magazine" Vol. 42, 1959
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